
Helps management make informed decisions and mitigate risk from employee feedback

What does assessor do?

Firstly, assessor specifically allows the creation and automation of business communications such as employee surveys and risk assessments. 

Secondly, From risk and annual workstation assessments, to polls and staff satisfaction surveys, Assessor manages responses, consequently enabling management to analyse and produce reports from the answers, as well as highlighting concerns for issue management.

Significantly, assessments can be set for annual distribution and be scheduled to run between specified dates.  Subsequently enabling more regular assessments to help mitigate risk for the organisation. 

Overall, assessor simplifies the complex task of gathering employee feedback and as a result provides valuable management insight into the corporate consciousness.

Assessor at a glance

Managers and admins can easily create surveys and assessments

Send assessments directly to the employees desktop between specified dates

Distribute assessments to different groups of users within the business

Human resources can gather feedback from users for the purpose of improving employee satisfaction

Employees can voice their opinion on business issues

Report business feedback to management to enable better decision making

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Benefits of assessor




Significantly improve 2-way communication with staff by polling employees’ opinions. 

Mitigate risk by regularly performing assessments that highlight issues across the business.

Simply and quickly analyse assessment results so that departments can use the information in order to improve their performance and staff satisfaction.

Assessor enables the employee to provide informative feedback to the business.

Employees can voice their opinion on business issues, heading off frustration and increasing staff satisfaction.

Authorised users can simply build a questionnaire containing a series of questions relating to a specific topic or issue.

Administrators can build questionnaires using extensive question types, which also include a free text capability.

Surveys can be sent to the whole business or specific groups. Furthermore, Pilot test questionnaires can be sent out to members of the organisation for feedback before deployment

See a demo of NETconsent assessor

Assessor helps management make informed decisions from employee feedback

Talk to one of our advisors and get a full demo of Assessor and the NETconsent Compliance Suite to see how your organisation can benefit

Uses for assessor

Provide questionnaires to get a holistic view of what the organisation is
thinking or provide insight from a certain group.

Produce risk assessments or collate other useful business information,
e.g. the number of staff that would like a new service and what it should entail.

Deliver management with analysis and reports that can be used for
business intelligence, risk and compliance reporting.

Enable HR surveys on areas like training, procedure changes and staff welfare.

Gather information for conflict of interest registers

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