NETconsent is proud to announce the release of NETconsent v4.11.0. This release includes new features and functional enhancements, which make this version a major milestone.
The major feature in this release is the addition of the NETconsent Portal application, this enables third party and non-LDAP users to access corporate content and agree to it without requiring network connection.
This post details the new functionality which has been added to v4.11.0 of NETconsent.
If you are an existing customer and would like to upgrade to v4.11.0 please contact us at
New functionality
Portal integration
Portal Integration with NETconsent enables third parties and other non-LDAP users to self-register and create a NETconsent Portal account to login, review and sign up to content available in NETconsent. The end user interface is available for access through the internet and all acceptance information is stored within NETconsent and available within the reporting tools.
Please note Portal is a separate application that needs to be installed and licenced separately.
User Status feature
In User Manager a new option of ‘User Status’ has been added which enables administrators to search for a user, display a list of Distribution Lists the user is a member of as well as pending actions that the user has along with any deadlines specific for that user. This is helpful for onboarding new employees and monitoring their compliance activity.
Customer logo for multiple domains
Customers who have multiple domains with a trust between them can now set a logo log per Directory Server (domain). Therefore, if you have multiple domains the users from one domain can be presented with a different logo to those on another domain.
New exam resit functionality
Resit Test – The user will need to resit the exam until they pass
Re-Present Policy – The content that proceeded the exam is presented again for the user to re-accept
Re-Present Policy and Resit Test – The user will be presented the content, be required to re-accept and sit the exam until they pass.
Enhanced functionality
Multiple SSRS reports enhanced
Alerter module major enhancement
The looks of the alerts that are deployed to user desktops as part of the communication tools have been enhanced. They now are available in 3 different colours and statuses – standard messages are displayed in blue, important messages are displayed in orange and urgent messages displayed in red.
Re-present exam option
Within NETconsent you can re-present content to a user on a regular basis, for example annually, or immediately as required. A new option has ben added to allow any exams linked to the content can also be re-presented.
Examiner & assessor module enhancement
A new html editor feature has been added to the examiner and assessor module, when generating questions you can now also include an image in a question, as well as text.