NETconsent version 5.5.0 has been launched, this is a minor release which includes new and enhanced functionality, including the ability to upload custom reports into NETconsent.
New functionality
Custom reports are now available
Uploading of Custom Reports into NETconsent is now fully supported. These are uploaded to the Reporting Services Server via the NETconsent Site Administration Portal.
This enables customers to create their own SSRS reports and upload them into NETconsent, making them specific to their requirements.
Document download configuration
Within the end user interface customers can now control which PDF documents their users can download onto their local PC.
Downloading of documents can be disabled for all content, enabled for all content or set per document, thus giving greater control to the organisation when dealing with confidential information.
Enhanced functionality
Enhanced kiosk unlock functionality
The kiosk unlock flags have been enhanced to disable the end user interface (kiosk) being moved or resized when there are mandatory outstanding actions for a user. This works on unlock of the PC and will revert to normal behaviour once mandatory actions have been processed. This enhancement provides the same lockout functionality for users working from home or within the office on the corporate network..Report enhancements
There have been updates within the following reports:- Document Setup – Enhanced to show active dates, review information and language setup.
- Documents not actioned – Enhanced to show deadline date for the user.
- Documents for review – Enhanced to include internal reference ID on the report.